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Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Vie May 19, 2017 4:11 pm
Las matrículas de los Eurofighter no van correlativas, habiendo algunos saltos.
Tranche 1: CE.16-01 a CE.16-08 / C.16-20 (IPA) / C.16-21 a C.16-30
Tranche 2: CE.16-09 a C.16-12 / C.16-31 a C.16-58
Tranche 3: C.16-59 a C.16-78
Si el último visto es el C.16-69, quedarían 9 por entregarse.

Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Sab May 20, 2017 9:57 am
por eco_oscar
MARTE escribió:Las matrículas de los Eurofighter no van correlativas, habiendo algunos saltos.
Tranche 2: CE.16-09 a C.16-12 / C.16-31 a C.16-58
Tranche 3: C.16-59 a C.16-78
Si el último visto es el C.16-69, quedarían 9 por entregarse.

Que álguien me corrija si me equivoco, pero creo que aquí viene tu fallo.......
Los biplazas si son correlativos y van del CE16-01 AL CE16-18. El C16-19 no existe, es el Austriaco.
Y los monoplazas empezando desde el IPA como C16-20 llegan correlativos hasta el C16-74.
Ya digo es lo que yo tengo por cierto.......
Todo esto es sin asignar tranchas, sino la numeración independientemente de las versiones..

Un saludo

Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Sab May 20, 2017 11:35 am
Con la eliminación de la Tranche 3B, solo se recibirán 12 biplazas.
Mis datos creo que son correctos.

Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Sab May 20, 2017 3:02 pm
por Orel
Íbamos a tener 15 biplazas. Y sólo íbamos a tener un biplaza T3. Creo que entró en la T3A, pero aunque fuera T3B, sólo uno. Así que recibimos 15 ó 14 si era T3B. Incluso descontando el perdido en 2010, da 14 ó 13. Pero no 12.

Y aprovecho para volver a lanzar mi pregunta: ¿cómo creéis que puede influir la mayor porporción de biplazas sobre lo planeado? Porque hemos recibido todos (o uno menos), de una cantidad que se planeó para una flota total de 87 aviones, pero al final fueron 73.

De la RAA nº 769 de Diciembre de 2007 (antes de dividir en T3A y T3B que fue en 2009, pero lo relevante es el único biplaza T3):


Enviado desde mi Aquaris_M4.5 mediante Tapatalk

Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Sab May 20, 2017 3:35 pm
Tienes razón Orel, son 8 biplazas de la Trache 1 y 6 de la Tranche 2.

- 19 T1: 8 ST, 1 SS IPA4 y 10 SS. (Un biplaza perdido). Matrículas: CE.16-01 a CE.16-08 / C.16-20 / C.16-21 a C.16-30.
- 34 T2: 6 ST y 28 SS. (Un monoplaza perdido). Matrículas: CE.16-09 a CE.16-14 / C.16-31 a C.16-58.
- 20 T3A SS. Matrículas: C.16-59 a C.16-78.

Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Sab May 20, 2017 5:08 pm
por Orel

Aparte, piloto español 1.000 horas de vuelo en Eurofighter, Ala 11:
https://twitter.com/EjercitoAire/status ... 8898274304

Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Sab May 20, 2017 5:16 pm
por eco_oscar
Ok. Pues me corrijo a mi mismo. 15 biplazas+58 monoplazas. Bueno o 14+59.....
Gracias. Saludos

Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Sab May 20, 2017 6:32 pm
por Roberto Montesa
pues como va a influir, son modelos con capacidades plenas excepto en la capacidad de combustible... sin embargo suelen hacer mas ciclos, nunca vienen mal, y en los despliegues de hermanamiento con pilotos extranjeros invitados a volarlos, siempre van (aunque mandes 4-6)

Si a la hora de volar misiones 'reales' se infrautilizan por su menor autonomia, siempre podrán compensarlo con misiones donde sea ventajoso llevar dos pilotos, o hacerles mas horas en las scramble... y listo.

Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Dom May 21, 2017 1:27 pm
por Orel
Datos por un tubo, no os quejaréis :wink:
Nueva recopilación de datos del Parlamento inglés, la última la hice en febrero de 2016: http://www.theyworkforyou.com

:arrow: Entregas y disponibilidad del Typhoon a enero de 2017.
Dato novedoso: Reino Unido terminará de recibir sus EFAs en verano de 2019. Hasta ahora siempre se dijo finales de 2018. Seguimos pendientes de saber si retrasarán algún año el cierre de su cadena de montaje aunque no produzca para tener opciones en otras exportaciones. En teoría los kuwaitíes se montarán en Italia (Kuwait era "responsabilidad" exportadora de Italia) hasta 2023. Digo cadena de montaje, obviamente la cadena de suministro de los 4 socios para la fabricación tiene que continuar hasta 2023.
5 January 2017
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... gHL4279.q0
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... gHL4278.q0

Question: To ask Her Majesty’s Government whether any Typhoon aircraft are yet to be delivered; and if so, to what timescale.
Answer: The UK has taken delivery of 134 out of 160 Typhoon aircraft ordered, with the remaining 26 expected to be delivered by summer 2019.

Question: To ask Her Majesty’s Government how many Typhoon fighter aircraft are in service; how many are serviceable; how many could be serviceable within a week; how many are in longer-term maintenance; and whether any are considered to be in reserve.
Answer: The total in service Typhoon fleet is 134 airframes, of which 91 airframes are in the Forward Fleet and 43 airframes are in the Sustainment Fleet.

The Forward Fleet comprises serviceable and short term unserviceable aircraft. Typically the short term unserviceable aircraft are undergoing minor works, forward maintenance or any other unforeseen rectification or technical inspection that can arise on a day-to-day basis.
The Sustainment Fleet includes aircraft undergoing deep maintenance, upgrade programmes or being held in storage.

:arrow: Gasto de RU en el programa EFA Eurofighter Typhoon y programas paralelos hasta 2016.
Son 16.739 millones de libras el programa EFA en sí hasta 2016, más 647 mill. los programas paralelos:
7 February 2017
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g62350.q0
Question: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how much his Department has spent each year on... Typhoon...
Answer: Expenditure for the Demonstration and Manufacture phases for each of the listed projects is detailed in the attached table. The information includes expenditure incurred since 2007-08 up until 2015-16. Spend data for the current financial year (FY) is excluded as this is incomplete. Costs prior to 2007-08 are not broken down by FY:
http://qna.files.parliament.uk/qna-atta ... 0Moon.docx


:arrow: Confirma los dos escuadrones más de Typhoon (manteniendo T1). Confirma retirada del Tornado en 2019 y del Typhoon en 2040. Aún no hay planes para sustituto del Eurofighter en 2040. El número de pilotos calificados es clasificado, no puede decirse:
5 January 2017
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... gHL4351.q0
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g46438.q0
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... gHL4280.q0
Question: To ask Her Majesty’s Government under current plans, when will the last Tornado, and Typhoon, aircraft leave service.
Answer: The planned out of service date for Tornado is 2019 and for Typhoon it is 2040.

Question: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what plans his Department has for developing for a crewed successor to Typhoon.
Answer: The Strategic Defence and Security Review of 2015 announced the out of service date for the Typhoon fleet would be extended to 2040. The Ministry of Defence will consider options to replace the capability closer to that date but so far no decision has been made.

Question: To ask Her Majesty’s Government how many pilots currently serving in the RAF are qualified to fly the Typhoon, and the Tornado, aircraft.
Answer: I am withholding the information requested as its disclosure would, or would be likely to, prejudice the capability, effectiveness or the security of the Armed Forces.

23 March 2016 https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... gHL6982.r0
Question:...following the 2015 Strategic Defence and Security Review, how much extra money was made available for the... and the Royal Airforce.
Answer:...This money will be spent on priorities identified by the SDSR, including:
- Two additional Typhoon squadrons and an additional squadron of F-35 Lightning II combat aircraft to operate from our new aircraft carriers. [The Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015 confirmed our commitment to buy 138 F35 Lightning aircraft over the life of the programme.]...

:arrow: La fecha para la IOC del Brimstone 2 sigue siendo diciembre de 2018, y RU no tiene planes para ponérselo al F-35B (digo yo que irán directamente a SPEAR 3). Esa fecha coincide con la fecha en que estará listo el programa Centurion (desde P1E hasta P3E) para que el EFA sustituya al Tornado. Recuerdo de la anterior actualización que a lo largo de 2018 también le llegarán la IOC del Meteor y del Storm Shadow:
5 September 2016, 25 January 2017, 25 April 2017
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g43910.q0
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g60456.q0
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g71349.q0
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g27330.q0
The projected Initial Operating Capability [IOC] for the integration of Brimstone 2 on Typhoon is December 2018 (as previously published in the Major Projects Report 2015) and we remain on track to achieve that date.
The UK has no plans to integrate the Brimstone 2 missile onto the F-35B Lightning II aircraft.
...the Ministry of Defence conducts regular reviews as to the status of Project CENTURION as part of its Typhoon Programme delivery activity to ensure it delivers the planned capability upgrades by the end of 2018.

:arrow: Sobre el pod de reconocimiento DB110 del Tornado que se planteaban adaptar en un pod más pequeño al Eurofighter, hace un año aún no había decisión:
10 March 2016
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g29979.q0
The Department has not made any decision to fit the DB-110 sensor to the Typhoon aircraft.

:arrow: Sobre el sistema de aviso de colisión, un tema de debate desde hace tiempo en RU para todos sus aviones. Cronología desde febrero de 2016 (última actualización):
1 February 2016
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g24213.q0
We remain committed to reducing the risk of aircraft-to-aircraft collision through exploiting technology and reviewing operating procedures on Typhoon aircraft. Two possible equipment solutions have been demonstrated and will be part of formal assessment in the coming months.

10 March 2016
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g30090.r0
The collision warning system project for the Typhoon aircraft has not yet reached Main Gate. Therefore I am unable to disclose the two possible solutions as that information is commercially sensitive.

21 March 2016
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g30993.q0
The Department remains committed to embodying a collision warning system on Typhoon as a priority. Two possible solutions are being formally assessed. Procurement timelines will be informed by this assessment and the subsequent Departmental approval process.

24 April 2017
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g71086.q0
The Department remains committed to embodying a collision warning system on Typhoon as a priority. Planning is continuing for a feasibility study. Timelines will be informed by this study.

:arrow: Calificar a un piloto de Typhoon lleva 24 semanas:
5 January 2017
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... gHL4281.q0
...it is expected to take 24 weeks, which is the time to complete the full Typhoon Operational Conversion Unit course.

:arrow: Aportación de RU a la VHRJTF durante 2016 y 2017:
27 June 2016
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g40549.r0
Throughout 2016 and 2017, the UK's contribution to the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (Air) will include six Tornados and six Typhoons, Airborne Early Warning and Air to Air refueling aircraft.

https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g34703.r0
In 2017 the UK will lead the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force, formed in response to Russia's actions in Ukraine, and we will make a significant contribution to the force every year of this Parliament. As well as providing Typhoons to NATO's Baltic Air Policing mission

:arrow: Curiosidad:
22 February 2016
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?i ... #g26747.r0
Question: ...what specific benefits the UK derives from membership of the European Defence Agency's Military Airworthiness Authorisation Forum...
Answer: The Military Airworthiness Authorisation Forum (MAWA) improves military aviation safety, reduces military air system acquisition costs, and increases interoperability through harmonisation of military airworthiness regulations. Significant cost savings in the Eurofighter Typhoon programme are likely because of MAWA work led by the UK, and our active involvement in the MAWA Forum provides the UK a position of influence across the Military aviation community...

Un saludo

Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Lun May 22, 2017 11:42 pm
por Chorbis
Último número de Mayo de la Revista oficial del Tifi.............

https://www.eurofighter.com/files/magaz ... 017-05.pdf

Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Mar May 23, 2017 9:40 pm
por Orel
Último número de Mayo de la Revista oficial del Tifi.............

https://www.eurofighter.com/files/magaz ... 017-05.pdf

De él sólo destaco:

:arrow: Sobre el concurso belga que está llevando BAE, se espera contrato a mediados de 2018 y empezar a entregar en 2023. Bélgica ha insistido en que lo más importante no es la capacidad de los aviones en sí, si no las relaciones militares, políticas e industriales que se consigan con el contrato:
[Bélgica] issued a Request for Information in 2014 and Eurofighter replied to that. Since then the UK has been running the campaign. We’re working very closely with the UK government to create a solution for the Belgian customer. The next step is for the Belgian MOD to issue the RFGP. We are assured that it’s going to be coming shortly. They want to place a contract by the middle of 2018 — if they don’t, then they head off into another election cycle. But this is a very important programme and they want to make sure they get on contract which would enable them to start to receive aircraft in 2023, when their F-16 fleet starts to run out of life.

What would you describe as the key issues?
Relationships — military, political and industrial. They have stressed this all the way through our engagements to date that the relationship is fundamental to them. The challenge for us is how we ensure the right relationship at all those three levels.

:arrow: Sobre el concurso finlandés que también lleva BAE, confirma las fechas citadas hace nada y nos dicen que en este caso los factores operativos son más importantes. Su RFI fue la más exhaustiva tras la de Japón hace años:
[Finlandia] don’t intend to place a contract until 2021, with delivery running from 2025 through to 2030.
Through 2016 we replied to a Request for Information (RFI) which, in my experience, was the most comprehensive RFI that we’ve ever received. The last time we had such a sizeable and complex document to respond to was the Request for Proposal from Japan.
We replied to the RFI and followed it up with a joint presentation led by the British Ambassador and involving ourselves and the RAF on 30th November in Helsinki.
This year they will carry out an initial flight evaluation and we are anticipating a Request for Quotation (RFQ) in 2018. The difference here is that they’re going to ask us to quote for what they want, rather than ask us to propose them a solution. Following the RFQ they will continue to make their assessment and are expected to announce a Down Select decision around 2019/2020, with a contract award in 2021.
Will the RAF lead the flight evaluation activity?
Yes. We are anticipating two weeks of evaluation, one at RAF Coningsby and one at Warton in the simulator [además de en Finlandia]

What’s important to them?
The Finns place an awful lot of weight on the operational capability and the air force will have a significant say in the selection of the weapon system. In contrast, a lot of countries make a political decision but in Finland the operational aspects have a very high weighting and it would be unusual for the air force not to get the aircraft they want. That’s not to ignore the politics though!

...The other thing that’s important to the Finns is their ability to be able to operate independently. In a time of conflict, the Finns see themselves as an island and it’s very important to them to be able to operate independently

:arrow: Y sobre presentarlo a concursos en general, han decidido que lidere el gobierno en lugar de la industria, como hizo Francia en sus últimos contratos de Rafale:
The Belgium and Finland campaigns represent a sea change in the way campaigns are executed. The government — which previously played an important supporting role — is now at the forefront. Both campaigns are being led by the UK government, with industry in the shape of BAE Systems (and on behalf of our Eurofighter partners) playing the support role. Lessons were learnt from the French a few years ago when they achieved multiple successes with Rafale. “Their campaigns were being led by the French government, rather than French industry,” says Mark Parkinson. “We quickly realised that we needed to redefine the roles in our campaigns and reinforced the importance of the government role. “We all agreed that both government and industry needed to work much more closely together but with the government in the lead.”

:arrow: Y hablando de campañas de ensayos, en este caso la inglesa del Meteor y España:
For example, the Meteor firing campaign [la campaña inglesa] was due to end with a paired firing, which means two missiles fired at two targets, each of which is tracked independently but at the same time... The lessons learned are now being shared afresh with teams from Airbus Spain following in Leonardo’s footsteps by travelling to the UK to carry out their own trials. It’s clearly in the spirit of cooperation that is a hallmark of the Eurofighter programme.

Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Mar May 23, 2017 9:49 pm
por champi
Artículo donde se compara el proceso de producción del F-35 con el del Eurofighter en RU: http://www.themanufacturer.com/articles ... 5-fighter/

Desde luego, el avión de LM es impresionante en cuanto a precisión y tolerancias...

Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Mar May 23, 2017 9:56 pm
por Orel
Y fíjate que la producción del Eurofighter ya era más precisa y con menores tolerancias que las de cazas anteriores. Pero claro, un furtivo es un furtivo.

Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Vie May 26, 2017 6:46 pm
por Orel
El Eurofighter GiNA ha vuelto a su color operativo original. Una pena pero es normal:
https://theaviationist.com/2017/05/15/s ... nt-scheme/


Re: EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

NotaPublicado: Vie May 26, 2017 7:46 pm
por PelotonRueda
Orel escribió:El Eurofighter GiNA ha vuelto a su color operativo original

Viendo este aparato, me pregunto si hoy en día tienen utilidad/validez el uso de las cocardas.

¿ Se podrían suprimir ?
