Dassault Rafale

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Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor flagos el Mar Nov 30, 2010 9:11 pm

jajajaja....vaya puterí­o internacional que armó Wikileaks. Solo falta que salga algo de PTMyA.
"El arte de la guerra consiste en ordenar las fuerzas de tal modo que no puedan huir".
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Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor champi el Mié Dic 01, 2010 6:54 pm

El Rafale accidentado el domingo (M18) se estrelló posiblemente por falta de combustible :!: http://www.marianne2.fr/blogsecretdefen ... e_a48.html
Selon nos informations, l'accident du Rafale Marine, dimanche dans l'océan indien, est la conséquence d'un problí¨me de jauge de carburant. Panne d'un systí¨me ou mauvaise compréhension d'informations ? L'enquíªte en cours devra le déterminer et il est trop tí´t pour le dire. D'autant qu'il se peut que les deux hypothí¨ses soient en partie complémentaires.

Le problí¨me a surgi environ 40 minutes aprí¨s le catapultage d'une patrouille mixte d'un Rafale et d'un Super-Etendard, qui faisaient route vers l'Afghanistan depuis le Charles-de-Gaulle. Le Rafale venait de se ravitailler sur une "nou-nou", un autre chasseur utilisé comme ravitailleur en vol.

Sans que l'on connaisse encore les causes exactes du problí¨me, les réservoirs de carburant ont été vidés plus vite qu'ils n'auraient dí» l'íªtre et, au final, l'avion - qui revenait vers le porte-avions - s'est retrouvé en panne sí¨che.

Le pilote s'est éjecté et a été aussití´t récupéré. Cet officier est un pilote expérimenté, qui avait participé Á  la précédente mission Agapanthe en 2007.

A bord du porte-avions, les avions n'ont pas volé ce lundi, un "no fly day" programmé Á  l'avance. Aujourd'hui, aucun vol de Rafale ne semble avoir été programmé, mais il devrait reprendre trí¨s vite. Le parc n'est pas arríªté, ce qui semble confirmer, aux yeux de la Marine, que l'avion est hors de cause ou que le problí¨me est clairement identifié.

Mardi 30 Novembre 2010
Jean-Dominique Merchet

Parece ser que fue un fallo después del reabastecimiento en vuelo, que pudo ser un error de interpretación del piloto (o de presentación de datos), lo que llevó a que el mismo no pudiese regresar al CdG. El avión siniestrado: http://rafalenews.blogspot.com/2010/11/ ... y-m18.html

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Registrado: Vie Nov 21, 2008 10:53 pm

Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor Orel el Vie Dic 03, 2010 12:48 am

jajajaja....vaya puterí­o internacional que armó Wikileaks. Solo falta que salgo algo de PTMyA.

Sí­, serí­a la caña :mrgreen:
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Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor champi el Dom Dic 05, 2010 9:34 pm

Otro cable más, pero no de PMyA: http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internac ... int_28/Tes
1. (C) As 2009 comes to end, Brazil's FX2 competition remains undecided. It had been expected that President Lula would make a decision before the end of the year, so as to be able to complete the sale during his tenure. Practically speaking, however, even if a Presidential decision were to be made immediately, the time needed for contract negotiation and appropriation of funds means that the final decision to buy the planes will fall to the next President in 2011. Embassy contacts in the Ministry of External Relations and Ministry of Defense believe that Defense Minister Jobim will meet with Lula later in January to try to make a decision.


2. (C) Lula has made no secret of his preference for the Dassault Rafale, announcing during President Sarkozy's September 7 visit (ref a) that he planned to negotiate the purchase with France, before even reading the Brazilian Air Force's (BRAF) technical evaluation. During the following three months, it was clear that Lula had instructed his government, including Jobim, to focus on making the deal with France work. In September, Lula told the Brazilian press that negotiations with France would focus on attaining a price for the aircraft similar to what Boeing and Saab were asking. (Reportedly, Dassault's best offer was 40% higher.) Despite another Sarkozy visit to Brazil in November and Jobim's later stop in Paris, the French were not able to meet Brazilian requests for a lower price, but their lack of responsiveness (ref b) did not seem to affect the Brazilian preference. Initial statements in September from Lula and FM Amorim attempted to portray the French as somehow offering a superior level of technology transfer as justification for the higher price, but as details emerged from the technical evaluation process, it became clear that all three competitors were generally meeting BRAF tech transfer requirements.


3. (C) During October and November, contacts by Embassy officials and Boeing representatives were received politely, but with little real interest as the focus remained on the French. In recent weeks, however, there has been a notable change from the Minister of Defense. Beginning with A/S Valenzuela's December 14 meeting with Jobim (reported septel), there has been renewed interest in the USG/Boeing proposal. While Jobim repeated concerns about "bad precedents" for policies regarding transfer of U.S.-origin technology (in reality complaints about export licensing procedures), he said he understood that the USG had a new approach and was interested in Boeing's industrial cooperation offer. Boeing has strengthened its case by promoting its new "Global Super Hornet" initiative, which would transfer important elements of production of all F/A 18 aircraft (including those for the U.S. military) to Brazil. By globalizing Super Hornet production and including Brazil in the process, Boeing not only is in position to create and maintain more jobs in Brazil, but can assuage Brazilian paranoia about theoretical USG cutoffs of fighter supply by pointing out that any such cutoff would affect the U.S. Navy as well. In a recent interview with the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo, Jobim was careful not to commit, mentioning the "strategic alliance" with France but also noting that cost, technology transfer and overall aircraft capability were important.

4. (C) Along with the revival of Boeing's hopes, the Swedish Gripen remains a strong competitor. As noted in ref b, many Brazilians perceive it to be an attractive alternative to the Rafale because it has the lowest sticker price. Saab's plan to co-develop the new generation Gripen with Brazil has also garnered support in Brazil's aviation industry among those who believe that such development will increase local aircraft design capabilities. Jobim, however, has been openly dismissive of the Swedes on the basis of the Gripen's lesser capability and because the "New Generation" variant offered to Brazil does not yet exist. A recent story in Isto C) magazine with sourcing to the BRAF pointed out that military aircraft development programs normally run over deadlines and budgets, negating the Gripen's purported price advantage.

5. (C) COMMENT. While the Rafale's high price and doubts about the Gripen's development would seem to make the Super Hornet the obvious choice, the fact remains that Lula is reluctant to buy an American aircraft. It is possible that the renewed interest in the USG offer is merely a ploy to gain leverage on the French or that the delay in the decision is intended to allow Dassault to find a way to lower its price. In Mission's view, the chance to win the FX2 competition is real. We know that the Super Hornet received the most favorable technical evaluation from the BRAF and is the choice of the operators. We have also been successful in answering most of the doubts raised about USG technology transfer policies, particularly with the technical evaluation team. There remains, however, the formidable obstacle of convincing Lula. Our goal now should be to make sure that Jobim has as strong a case as possible to take to Lula in January. Mission recommends the following steps:

:arrow: B7 Continue to underline full USG support in all high-level contacts with Brazil. As Mission has pointed out previously, repeated assurances from President Obama to Lula in the course of their normal contacts are the single most effective means of making our case.

:arrow: B7 Use Ambassador-Designate Shannon's initial contacts with the Brazilian leadership to make the point that we have worked hard to ensure we have the best offer.

:arrow: B7 Maintain our public affairs campaign to highlight that not only has the USG completed its approval of tech transfer, but Boeing is confident enough in the offer to be prepared to shift part of production (including hundreds of jobs) to Brazil.

:arrow: B7 Coordinate with Boeing to ensure the advantages of the Global Super Hornet program are made known to the Brazilian Congress and media.

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Registrado: Vie Nov 21, 2008 10:53 pm

Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor champi el Dom Dic 12, 2010 4:13 pm

Más sobre el Rafale en CRUZEX V, a partir de la página 40 (en francés): http://fr.calameo.com/read/000014334792ab895c8ca

A destacar que se subió el jefe del destacamento chileno en el asiento de atrás de un Rafale en un combate cerrado contra el F-16, al que por supuesto derrotó, dejándolo bastante impresionado con sus capacidades:

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Registrado: Vie Nov 21, 2008 10:53 pm

Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor Lepanto el Lun Dic 13, 2010 10:04 am

Pues la decisión de la compra del avión, sea este u otro, el amigo Lula, se la deja a su sucesora. De momento Brasil, no se decide.
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Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor Jordi el Dom Dic 19, 2010 12:19 pm

Una prueba del AASM de 250 Kg orientado por infra. La prueba la hizo un Rafale en Biscarosse. El AASM fue lanzado de noche a una distancia de 50 Km del objetivo, el error al tocar el objetivo fue mas pequeño que un metro. Los armamentos AASM de SAGEM tienen un kit de orientación y un kit para aumento del alcance, que se montan el las bombas existentes.


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Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor Jordi el Dom Dic 19, 2010 12:22 pm

Pues la decisión de la compra del avión, sea este u otro, el amigo Lula, se la deja a su sucesora. De momento Brasil, no se decide.

Algo sospechoso... que no cambiasen de idea y no escogiesen el Rafale, como dijo antes Lula.

Virtus Unita Fortior
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Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor champi el Dom Dic 19, 2010 1:05 pm

Curiosas declaraciones que vienen de RU: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/8212090 ... giums.html
Air Vice-Marshal Bagwell said that one way around the shortages was to collaborate more with the French.

“It looks like we are going to twin 3 Squadron [a Typhoon squadron] with one of the [French] Rafale [fighter-bomber] squadrons. I'll make a prediction we will have British officers flying Rafale from a carrier within a few years. I'm quite sure of it.” :!:

Ministry of Defence sources said that Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton, Chief of the Air Staff, “did not share”Air Vice-Marshal Bagwell's views.

An Ministry of Defence spokesman said that Sir Stephen and all the Service chiefs “stand by the decisions made”in the defence review, which were “collectively reached and supported”.

Air Vice-Marshal Bagwell insisted last night that his comments had not been “accurately portrayed or placed in context”and said the RAF would “absolutely meet the current task and operational priorities”.
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Registrado: Vie Nov 21, 2008 10:53 pm

Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor champi el Mar Ene 04, 2011 3:35 pm

Parece que las negociaciones con EAU continúan a pesar de todo: http://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews ... AZ20110104
Tue Jan 4, 2011 12:42pm GMT

SAINT-DIZIER, France (Reuters) - French Defence Minister Alain Juppe said on Tuesday that talks with United Arab Emirates and Brazil over possible orders of French Rafale jet fighter were advancing.
"We're advancing with Brazil, we're advancing with United Arab Emirates because negotiations have resumed. We'll see, it's on the right track," Juppe said at a presidential New Year's address at an air force base at Saint-Dizier, northeast France.
(Reporting by Emmanuel Jarry; Writing by Catherine Bremer; Editing by Matthew Jones)

© Thomson Reuters 2011 All rights reserved

Respecto a Libia, parece que la negatica francesa a exportar el SCALP-EG pudieron dar al traste con la venta: http://rafalenews.blogspot.com/2010/12/ ... libya.html
According to the Defense journalist Jean-Marc Tanguy, the Rafale sale to Libya woud have been jeopardized by the Refusal of the French government to include the sclalp-EG cruise missile in the bid.

Francia compra 200 misiles Meteor: http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... siles.html
(Source: French Ministry of Defence; issued Jan. 3, 2011)
(Issued in French only; unofficial translation by defense-aerospace.com)

PARIS --- French defence minister Alain Juppé welcomed the order for 200 Meteor missiles, long-range, air-to-air weapons that will equip the Rafale combat aircraft operated by the French air force and naval aviation. Meteor is a joint cooperative effort between France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

The contract was awarded, on behalf of France's Directorate-General for Armaments (DGA), by its British counterpart and program leader, Defence Equipment & Services (DE&S), to MBDA-UK.

The first Meteor missiles will be delivered to France in 2018.

El contrato, fue firmado el 22 de diciembre y se desconoce lo que ha costado.
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Registrado: Vie Nov 21, 2008 10:53 pm

Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor champi el Mar Ene 18, 2011 10:37 pm

Parece que el FX-2 va para largo: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE7 ... geNumber=1
By Brian Winter
BRASILIA | Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:40am EST

BRASILIA (Reuters) - New Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has decided to delay awarding a multi-billion dollar Air Force jet contract and reevaluate the finalists' bids, in a move that could signal a realignment of Brazil's strategic and defence alliances, sources with knowledge of the decision told Reuters.

Por cierto, hoy Dassault cotiza un 1% a la baja, mientras que Saab se mantiene y Boeing gana un 1,73% :a9
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Registrado: Vie Nov 21, 2008 10:53 pm

Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor Lepanto el Mié Ene 19, 2011 11:08 am

No es que vaya para largo, lo más probable es que se suspenda, o en el mejor de los casos se proponga un nuevo programa FX3, y comience todo de nuevo, eso es lo que se comenta por los medios brasileiros y en algunos mas
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Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor champi el Dom Feb 06, 2011 12:40 pm

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Registrado: Vie Nov 21, 2008 10:53 pm

Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor champi el Vie Feb 11, 2011 8:25 pm

Pues ya tenemos el número de módulos del RBE2, 838. A partir de esta foto los chicos de rafalenews han elaborado este esquema:

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5LtVG71FOgY/T ... attern.png

The RBE-2 AA picture released yesterday by Thales has raised a polemic all around the web. Indeed, the number of modules of the presented antenna is exacly 838, which is almost 20% less than the usually advertised "1000 modules" for this radar.
However it is not known if the picture shows the actual radar. It could be an earlier prototype or a dummy. One thing is sure, though: it is exactly the same antenna (same pattern) as the one shown in the previous pictures of the RBE-2 AA.

The graph on the left is illustrating the asymmetrical pattern of the modules and the number of modules on each of the 36 columns of the antenna.

Aunque como se ve, hay polémica sobre si es la antena definitiva o no...
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Registrado: Vie Nov 21, 2008 10:53 pm

Re: Dassault Rafale

Notapor Orel el Dom Feb 13, 2011 1:08 am

Más información al respecto del AESA del Rafale:
Thales AESA RBE2 Radar Validated on Rafale Combat Aircraft

(Source: Forecast International; issued February 9, 2011)
Thales has announced that the production model RBE2 radar with an active electronically scanned array (AESA) antenna has been validated on the Rafale combat aircraft. This validation follows a comprehensive program of flight tests conducted between September and December 2010. Dassault Aviation confirmed that all aspects of the radar's performance comply with the technical specifications of the "Roadmap" contract, awarded by the French Defense Procurement Agency (DGA).

According to Thales, the AESA RBE2 radar will give the Rafale a number of key advantages such as extended range for compatibility with the latest generation of long-range missiles and the ability to detect low-signature targets. In addition, AESA offers extended waveform agility, making it possible to acquire submetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery while increasing the radar's resistance to jamming. Also, AESA features higher module reliability for reduced cost of ownership, as no maintenance is required on the active array for 10 years.

With the AESA RBE2's performance now validated, Thales will begin AESA RBE2 radar series production for installation on Tranche 4 Rafales. The Tranche 4 aircraft were ordered by the DGA in 2009 and will be delivered by Dassault Aviation to the French Air Force from 2013.

http://www.defense-aerospace.com/articl ... craft.html
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