EF-2000 EFA Eurofighter Typhoon

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Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor Rolzz el Mar May 01, 2012 8:48 pm

Ayer lunes llegaron 6 EF2000 a Albacete, 4 con indicativo Dolar para participar en las TLP (Ala11) y dos con indicativo Dardo (Ala 14)
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Registrado: Mié Nov 04, 2009 7:50 pm

Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor eco_oscar el Mar May 01, 2012 9:35 pm

Sí correcto, pero parece ser que todos llevaban emblema y numerales del Ala 11. Es duro de ver el primero con el del Ala14. Si no es así corregidme por favor. A ver si esos dos que llegaban con indicativo Dardo lo eran con el emblema del Ala14.
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Registrado: Sab Jun 02, 2007 10:45 am

Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor Rolzz el Mié May 02, 2012 12:09 pm

De momento llevan emblemas del Ala 11, imagino que en breve le daran la mano de pintura correspondiente, pero te aseguro que salieron de Moron con el numeral y escudo de los tres ases de la aviacion.
Mensajes: 44
Registrado: Mié Nov 04, 2009 7:50 pm

Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor eco_oscar el Mié May 02, 2012 12:52 pm

Cierto, ya los he visto son el c16-44 (11-24) y c16-50 (11-30). Gracias
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Registrado: Sab Jun 02, 2007 10:45 am

Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor Orel el Mié May 02, 2012 4:56 pm

Gracias por la información :wink: Gran noticia. Confirma lo que dijo Ala14CeaB.

Artículo reciente en español sobre la capacidad "built-in test" (autodiagnóstico) del Typhoon: http://www.indracompany.com/sostenibili ... urofighter
Escrito por Fernando Muñoz Manrique, Ingeniero de Telecomunicaciones, Programador de software experto, su carrera profesional empezó en 2003 y se ha desarrollado totalmente en Indra participando en distintos proyectos del Eurofighter:
La puesta a punto del Eurofighter
23 de marzo 2012
Por Fernando Muñoz Manrique (INDRA)

El requisito del más por menos está presente en todo tipo de sistemas, incluso dónde menos lo esperamos, como aquellos que usan la más alta tecnología para lograr los rendimientos más extremos. Vamos a ver el ejemplo del Eurofighter, el avión de combate europeo, una aeronave con prestaciones que buscan el límite y en el que se usan estrategias para obtener más por menos.

El Eurofighter tiene unas especificaciones de fiabilidad y mantenibilidad muy exigentes que hacen que la disponibilidad del avión sea elevada y minimiza el número de horas de mantenimiento necesarias por cada hora de vuelo. Esto da lugar a un doble ahorro, por un lado gastaré menos en mantenimiento y por otro lado, necesitaré un menor número de aeronaves para cubrir las misiones.

Los procesos empleados para reparar una avería también permiten aplicar estrategias que optimicen el coste. El proceso comienza cuando uno de los subsistemas del avión detecta un fallo gracias a sus avanzadas capacidades de autodiagnóstico (Built-in test). Una vez localizado el equipo averiado, tenemos dos opciones. La primera consiste en sustituir el equipo con el fallo por un repuesto y mandarlo a reparar al fabricante. La segunda opción, pretende aprovechar que los equipos tienen un diseño modular para intentar repararlo en la base aérea, sustituyendo sólo el módulo del equipo en el que se localice el fallo.

De las dos alternativas, la primera opción es más costosa por dos razones. En primer lugar, nos obliga a tener un mayor número de repuestos porque la unidad de repuesto es el equipo completo con todos sus módulos, incluyendo aquellos que es muy improbable que se averíen. Por el contrario en la segunda opción, la unidad de repuesto es el módulo y esto nos permitirá optimizar el stock de repuestos teniendo más recambios de aquellos módulos con mayor tasa de fallo y gastar poco en módulos que raramente se averían. En segundo lugar, una reparación hecha por el fabricante lleva más tiempo y dinero que si se hace en la misma base aérea. Si queremos más por menos, claramente deberemos optar por la reparación a nivel de módulo.

La herramienta que nos permite diagnosticar que módulo de un equipo está fallando es un sistema automático de test. Esto sistemas se encargan de indicar que módulo hay que reemplazar y después certificar que el equipo está listo para volver a volar. Los sistemas automáticos de test del Eurofighter son los más avanzados que existen y ninguna otra plataforma de cazas los iguala. Han sido diseñados con las especificaciones más exigentes y son los únicos que son portátiles teniendo la capacidad de poder ser montados y desmontados para desplegarse en cualquier lugar del mundo con extrema facilidad. Indra es un proveedor clave de estos sistemas, ya que diseña y fabrica el Core de los sistemas GPATE y DATE que son responsables de testear la mayor parte de los equipos del Eurofighter. También es un importante proveedor de software de test para dichos sistemas. Esto nos convierte en un aliado clave de nuestros clientes a la hora de optimizar el coste de operación de las aeronaves y en una referencia tecnología mundial en el diseño de los sistemas automáticos de test más avanzados.

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Registrado: Sab Sep 24, 2005 11:33 am
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Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor eco_oscar el Jue May 03, 2012 4:29 pm

Como diria un repipi "qué ilu..." hoy se ha escuchado la primera barrera del sonido de un Ef manchego. Con razón dicen que con este aparato hay que tener cuidado con la pc que a la mínima se pone en supersonico.

Saludos y perdón por el casi off-topic.
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Registrado: Sab Jun 02, 2007 10:45 am

Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor METEORSWARM el Jue May 03, 2012 7:08 pm

Lo que yo estaba pensando es en la tecnologia en el momento de la fabricacion del caza y el ensamblaje donde no se producen desalineaciones y exportar esta tecnologia a otros campos de la industria,como la industria naval o la pesada,esas desalineaciones que se producen en la fabricacion y construccion de barcos,de tanques o maquinaria pesada o incluso en la industria espacial o aviacion civil/militar, cuesta millones de euros a la industria y un tiempo precioso,creo que se conseguiria una mejor eficiencia,mayor rendimiento y menor costo/calidad,que se abarataria enormemente todo el proceso por unidad.

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Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor Orel el Jue May 03, 2012 9:48 pm

¡Hola Meteorswarm!

Un detalle sobre la capacidad de supercrucero (supercrucera) del Tifón Typhoon Eurofighter, que confirma las cifras ya conocidas:
The report [el resumen del informe de evaluación suiza] cites Eurofighter supercruise at Mach 1.4 without afterburners. This is a useful public data point, but seems to have been done without weapons. Eurofighters used armed supercruise during Libyan operations, but this was only possible with low-drag “4 + 2” air-to-air missile configurations, at high altitude, and to about Mach 1.2.
http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/swi ... -5s-04624/

Y otro, de la web de EADS para Suiza:
Für den Luftpolizeidienst weist der Eurofighter folgende Merkmale auf:
Super Cruise Fähigkeit, ohne Nachbrenner-Einsatz dauerhaft eingehaltene, mittlere Geschwindigkeit von ca. Mach 1,5
http://www.eurofighter.aero/eurofighter ... olice.html

Para las misiones de policía aérea (equipado con AAMs y supongo con depos), capacidad de supercrucero a una velocidad media de Mach 1.5.

Y de Jon Lake en http://typhoon.starstreak.net/forum/
by Jon Lake » 10 Aug 2012 17:55
At Farnborough, during one of the daily EF Operational Briefings, Major A Vergallo, CO of XII Squadron, 36 Wing, said that Typhoon could "Supercruise fully loaded with three tanks."

Un saludo
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Registrado: Sab Sep 24, 2005 11:33 am
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Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor Orel el Vie May 04, 2012 12:56 pm

Y otra foto de la maqueta del Typhoon en la DSA 2012 en Malasia, con 4 bombas Paveway IV, Meteor y ASRAAM:


La anterior era ésta (es la misma maqueta en distintos sitios):

http://www.armyrecognition.com/index.ph ... ew&id=5366

Y esa misma maqueta (o igualita) mostrada en RIAT 2011:

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Registrado: Sab Sep 24, 2005 11:33 am
Ubicación: España, en el bocho

Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor Orel el Vie May 04, 2012 11:17 pm

Si Eurofighter GmbH consiguiera el contrato en India en lugar de Dassault, los países socios del programa podrían anular el último pedido que todavía tienen pendiente de entrega (la T3B), ya que lo podrían compensar con los aviones que se fabricarían para la India. La decisión sobre dicha T3B se tomará en diciembre de 2013, como ya sabíamos por otras fuentes.
Es curioso porque hasta ahora se decía lo contrario, que si algo podía ayudar a conseguir la T3B era una gran venta como la del MMRCA. Pero sí encaja con lo que dicen fuentes militares: que, por ejemplo en España, con 72 Tifones vamos que chutamos, y no tiene sentido gastar más.
Cada unidad de Typhoon cuesta unos 80 millones de euros:
Defensa reducirá pagos si Eurofighter recupera el contrato de India

(Infodefensa.com) Madrid - El Ministerio de Defensa podría reducir sus previsiones de deuda si el Gobierno de India se replantea el ganador del concurso de aviones de combate y lo adjudica a Eurofighter.

Aunque en una primera fase se adjudicó el concurso el fabricante francés Dassault, en los últimos días ha habido varias preguntas en el Parlamento indio sobre el procedimiento de la licitación para la compra de 126 aeronaves, valorada en 7.600 millones de euros.

Según informa el diario El Economista, en el caso de que el Ejecutivo indio cambiara de opinión y finalmente adjudicara el contrato a Eurofighter, los países socios del programa –Alemania, España, Italia y Reino Unido- podrían anular el último pedido que todavía tienen pendiente de entrega, ya que lo podrían compensar con los aviones que se fabricarán en esta campaña de exportación.

En el caso de España, está pendiente la firma de la cuarta fase, denominada Trancha 3B, que está prevista para diciembre de 2013. Esta partida está compuesta de 14 aparatos, lo que supondría una reducción en la deuda de Defensa de unos 1.120 millones de euros, puesto que cada unidad tiene un coste aproximado de 80 millones.

http://www.infodefensa.com/?noticia=def ... o-de-india

http://www.defensa.com/index.php?option ... Itemid=312
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Registrado: Sab Sep 24, 2005 11:33 am
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Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor Orel el Dom May 06, 2012 3:24 pm

Sobre los LERX (apex strake) ensayados en el Typhoon DA5 alemán en 2007, incluídos en la propuesta "Typhoon 2020":
18th SFTE (EC) Symposium, 22-24 September 2008, Manching, Germany


Author: Erol Özger - EADS, Defence & Security – Military Air Systems

In the frame of the Eurofighter Enhancement program the high AoA capability of Eurofighter
aircraft was tested with an apex strake installed at the front wing fuselage junction. The major
goal of the flight test activity was to validate the improved aerodynamic characteristics of the
aircraft at higher AoA that were not tested in the mainstream Eurofighter program.
Special attention was given for the preparation of this task since high AoA aerodynamics are
known to be highly nonlinear. The results showed excellent aircraft behaviour even at high AoA.
Larger discrepancies were encountered beyond maximum lift where wind tunnel based and
flight test predicted models deviated from each other.

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Registrado: Sab Sep 24, 2005 11:33 am
Ubicación: España, en el bocho

Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor Orel el Dom May 06, 2012 4:59 pm

Flipad con el tocho, jaja :c4
Interesantísimo gran documento de 2006 que explica los principios de funcionamiento de la aviónica y sensores embarcados en general (radares radar, electroóptica IRST FLIR, buses de datos bus de datos, navegación, comunicaciones comms, IFF...) integración fusión de sensores manual libro PDF interesante grande completo. eurofighter typhoon tifón efa

Contiene mucha info de F-16, Hornet, F-22, F-35... pero me interesa especialmente todo lo que tiene sobre el Typhoon, parte de lo cual es nuevo y parte confirmación o resumen:

A state-of-the-art implementation of IRSTS is the passive infrared airborne tracking equipment (PIRATE) developed by the EUROFIRST consortium which will be fitted to the Eurofighter Typhoon. Figure 5.20 shows the PIRATE unit and the installation on Typhoon of the left side of the fuselage. The equipment uses dual-band sensing operating in the 3–5 and 8–11 mm bands. The MWIR sensor offers greater sensitivity against hot targets such as jet engine efflux, while the LWIR sensor is suited to lower temperatures associated with frontal engagements. The unit uses linear 760 x 10 arrays with scan motors driving optics such that large volumes of sky may be rapidly scanned. The field of regard (FOR) is stated to be almost hemispherical in coverage. The detection range is believed to be aprox. 40 nm. [75 km]

The operational modes of PIRATE are:

1. Air-to-air:

 - Multiple-target tracking (MTT) over a hemispherical FOR – the ability to track in excess of 200 individual targets, with a tracking accuracy better than 0.25 mrad;
 - Single-target track (STT) mode for individual targets for missile cueing and launch;
 - Single-target track and identification (STTI) for target identification prior to launch, providing a high-resolution image and a back-up to identification friend or foe (IFF).

2. Air-to-ground:

 - Ability to cue ground targets from C3 data;
 - Landing aid in poor weather;
 - Navigation aid in FLIR mode, allowing low-level penetration.

The sensor data may be displayed at 50 Hz rates on the head-down display (HDD), head-up display (HUD) or helmet-mounted display (HMD), as appropriate.

Sobre el Bae EAP:
The Typhoon configuration had previously been very successfully demonstrated using a single-aircraft flight demonstrator called the experimental aircraft programme (EAP) which first flew in 1986. This aircraft [EAP] demonstrated cardinal-point technologies including colour multifunction displays, an integrated utilities management system (UMS), the first of its type incidentally to fly anywhere in the world, and a digital fly-by-wire system to control the highly unstable aircraft. At the time it was the first aircraft flying in Europe with extensive use of MIL-STD-1553 buses. This aircraft flight demonstrator was funded by the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD), together with UK Industry, and with some help from German and Italian Industry. It flew for around 2 years, gathering vital data about the aircraft dynamics and the interaction of the new digital systems, and proved to be a highly successful venture gaining valuable experience that would be used during the design of the Typhoon. The aircraft is now at Loughborough University in the United Kingdom.
Bae EAP had the World's first integrated utility management system.



Sobre equipos del Typhoon:
9.4.1 Sensors and Navigation

The Typhoon sensors include the following:

1. Captor radar. This is an X-band (8–12 GHz) radar multimode pulse Doppler radar. A
track-while-scan (TWS) mode can track, identify and prioritise up to 20 targets
simultaneously. Air-to-ground modes include a ground moving target indication
(GMTI), spot mapping and surface ranging. A synthetic aperture radar (SAR) mode
has the capability of high resolution for specific mapping purposes. Sophisticated
frequency analysis techniques provide a non-cooperative target recognition capability [NCTR]
where the signal returned from a target aircraft may be analysed and its signature
recognised as being from a particular aircraft type.
At some stage, Typhoon may be
retrofitted with a European AESA radar with technology developed jointly from the
United Kingdom, Germany and France AMSAR programme. A small demonstration
array has been tested, and a full-scale array of 1000 or more elements is being flown on a
test bed aircraft [se refiere al AESA de 2006/07].

2. Infrared search and track (IRST). This is a second-generation IRST system called
PIRATE and was described in Chapter 5. It provides passive IR detection in the
MWIR (3–5 mm) and LWIR (8–11 mm) bands.

3. IFF interrogator and transponder. An IFF interrogator and mode S transponder compatible
with the NATO IFF Mk 12 standard.

4. FLIR targeting pod. The aircraft will have the ability to carry a contemporary FLIR
targeting pod, as yet this capability is not operational.

5. Dual INS/GPS. A laser-rate gyro-based INS together with GPS provides better navigational
accuracy within several metres. A terrain avoidance warning system (TAWS) [o Ground proximity GPWS] based
upon TERPROM working with the INS/GPS and covert radio altimeter allows passive
low-level navigation and terrain avoidance.

6. Air data. Triplex air data sources provide high integrity data to the FBW system.

9.4.2 Displays and Controls

The displays and controls include the following:

1. HOTAS capability providing hands-on throttle and stick control of sensors, weapon
control and communications and cursor control. A total of 24 selector buttons are
provided (12 on each control).

2. Direct voice input (DVI) with 200 commands and a response time of 200 ms. A 95%
recognition capability is claimed.

3. Wide-angle HUD with a 35º x 25º FOV.

4. Three multifunction head-down displays (MHDDs) using colour AMLCD technology.
Any of the displays – usually the centre display – can show a moving map using digital
terrain data to portray the position of the aircraft. If necessary, the target and threat
scenario may be overlaid, providing the pilot with complete tactical awareness.

5. Helmet-mounted sighting system (HMSS) with an HMD providing a binocular system
with up to 40º FOV.

9.4.3 Flight Control

The FBW is a full-authority active control technology (ACT) digital system to provide
carefree handling of the aircraft using all-moving foreplanes mounted near the nose, wing
trailing edge elevons, leading edge slats, rudder and airbrake. The system has quadruplex
digital flight control computers, each containing eight Motorola 68020 processors and
specially designed ASICS to achieve the necessary levels of safety. The flight control
computers, sensors and flight control actuators are connected using a MIL-STD-1553B data
bus and dedicated links where necessary. The flight control bus interfaces to the avionics bus
via a dedicated interface.

9.4.4 Utilities Control

Control of the aircraft utilities systems such as fuel, environmental control, brakes and
landing gear, secondary power systems, and OBOGS are by means of dedicated controllers
connected to a utilities MIL-STD-1553B bus. Also connected to this bus are the fullauthority
digital engine controllers (FADECs) for the Eurojet 2000 engines and a maintenance
data panel. This philosophy in part follows the rationale of an integrated utilities
management demonstrated on the EAP described above.

9.4.5 Systems Integration

The aircraft uses a combination of 20 Mbit/s fibre-optic STANAG 3910 and standard 1 Mbit/s
MIL-STD-1553 buses to integrate the various avionics subsystems.


The STANAG 3910 bus combines high data rate 20 Mbit/s fibre-optic transfers by using wire-based 1553 control protocol as described in Chapter 2 [NOTA: si queréis saber más sobre los buses e integración de datos del Eurofighter, id a ese capítulo 2. Allí tenéis todo extenso]. To see how these high-speed buses integrate the Typhoon avionics system, refer to Figure 9.11 which offers a very simplified portrayal; in fact there are a total of two STANAG 3910 and six MIL-STD-1553B in total to integrate all the aircraft avionics subsystem. The aircraft-level data buses may be simply described as follows:

1. STANAG 3910 avionics buses. The avionics and attack buses interface with the sensors
and displays. There are dedicated interfaces to the defensive aids subsystem (DASS)
and flight control system. Two display processors are connected to both the avionics
and utilities bus. The stores management system interfaces with the dedicated weapons

2. MIL-STD-1553B flight control bus. The flight control system has a dedicated data bus
interconnecting sensors, flight control computers and actuator assemblies. There is a
dedicated interface connecting the flight control and utilities buses.

3. MIL-STD-1553B utilities bus. A dedicated bus interconnects the utility control system
(UCS) computers, FADECs and maintenance data panel which facilitates servicing the

4. MIL-STD-1553B weapons bus. The dedicated 1553/MIL-STD-1760 weapons bus interfaces
with the 13 weapons stations as described below.


Más al respecto aquí:
The STANAG3910/EFEX (20Mb/sec Fibre Optical bus network) was defined for use on board the
European Fighter Aircraft (EFA) project which used MIL-STD-1553 but required increased data
throughput and bandwidth for the future. This lead to the development of the STANAG3910 bus
which uses MIL-STD-1553 used as a Low Speed control bus for a High Speed 20Mb/sec Fibre
Optical Network (Star topology). For the Tranche II aircraft this has been further enhanced to
the latest EFEX (EFAbus Express) which is a high speed optical only (High Speed) bus
http://www.pxisa.org/files/resources/Ar ... rmance.pdf

Y en 2003 en el parlamento inglés el repersentante de defensa dijo (en 2003):
All the weapons suspension points on the RAF's operational Eurofighter Typhoon will be compatible with Military Standard 1760. Nota: los buses MIL-STD-1760 y MIL-STD-1553B son básicamente el mismo y ambos son compatibles entre sí y con cable normal o fibra óptica. Es decir, no es que el 1553 sea normal y el 1760 óptico.
http://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?id ... g141982.q0

9.4.6 Survival/Countermeasures

Aircraft survival and countermeasures are provided by an integrated defensive aids suite
(DASS) which integrates the following equipment:

1. Wide-band receiver (100MHz to 10 GHz) providing 360 radar warning receiver (RWR)
coverage in azimuth and an active jammer using antennas located on the wing-tip pods
and the fuselage.

2. A pulse Doppler missile approach warning (MAW) system is fitted which uses antennas
located at the wing roots and near the fin. This system warns of the approach of passive as
well as actively guided missiles. Improvements are expected to enhance this system using
either IR or UV detectors.

3. Laser warning receiver (Royal Air Force only).

4. Towed radar decoy (Royal Air Force only). This is a derivative of a system already
deployed by the RAF on Tornado and other aircraft.

5. Chaff and flare dispenser.

9.4.7 Weapons

The Typhoon is able to carry a wide range of weapons and stores to satisfy the operational
needs of the four participating nations and export customers. The Typhoon has a total of 13
weapons stations, four under each wing and five under the fuselage. The full complement of
weapons that may be carried is shown in Tables 9.2 and 9.3. Figure 9.12 illustrates several of
these weapon fit options.



The Eurofighter Typhoon cockpit is shown in Figure 11.3 and Plate 2. The main
instrument panel comprises three colour multifunction head-down displays (MHDDs). In
the prototype aircraft these displays used shadow-mask CRTs to provide daylight-viewable,
full-colour, high-brightness, high-resolution images in both cursive (stroke) and hybrid
(strokeþraster) modes. In production the CRTs have been superseded with high-resolution
6.25 x 6.25 in square format Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Displays. The MHDDs incorporate
18 multifunction keys around the bottom, left and right edges of the display.
Each key contains a daylight-viewable LED matrix of two rows of four 7.5 characters plus


The HUD uses holographic technology to achieve an ultrawide 30º x 25º field of view
(FoV). The HUD provides stroke (cursive) operation for daytime use plus raster for nighttime
use with outside-world sensor video. The HUD incorporates a sophisticated up-front
control panel with a 43 in daylight-viewable LED matrix display. The HUD is the primary
flight instrument.

An HMD is planned, configured into two variants. The daytime variant provides
symbology for the targeting and release of off-boresight weapons. The night-time variant
adds night-vision goggles (NVGs) to the helmet to provide the pilot with enhanced night
vision. The NVG image is electrically mixed with the CRT symbology image to provide a
comprehensive night-time capability.

To either side of the HUD the left and right glareshield panels provide essential controls
and warnings. The right-hand panel incorporates the standby attitude display employing
AMLCD technology. The farthermost part of the right-hand glareshield flips open to reveal a
set of standby get-u-home instruments in the unlikely event that there is a major power failure.

The Eurofighter Typhoon provides direct voice input (DVI) command control for nonmission-
critical functions such as communications equipment. The DVI speech recogniser
has a vocabulary of about 100 words. The DVI system is trained by the individual user to
function under all operational conditions including high-g manoeuvres and low-speed passes
with significant wind buffet (Birch, 2001).


Sobre el HUD: Eurofighter Typhoon HUD – Single-element Off-axis Configuration

The much more aesthetically elegant solution [respecto al HUD LANTIRN de F-16] is the single-element off-axis configuration shown in Figure 11.18. This configuration achieves a wide-field-of-view HUD with no incursion into the ejection envelope and with no upper mirror to obstruct the upper field of view. It comprises a single optical element between the pilot and the outside world; the semitransmissive curved collimating mirror/combiner.


The elegant simplicity of this configuration belies its optical complexity, which arises
because, by its very nature, the intermediate image subtends a significant ‘off-axis’ angle to
the collimating mirror. This means significant optical correction needs to be applied to
correct for distortions.


The collimator must emulate a complex aspheric surface in order to ensure all rays of light
from the reflected image emerge in parallel (i.e. collimated). It is only possible to fabricate
this element using holographic techniques in which the hologram itself is computer generated.
The relay lens is complex also. It contains several aspheric elements to provide compensation
for the image distortions produced by the off-axis collimating combiner.

Finally, complex geometric distortions have to be applied to the CRT image. These are produced by correspondingly distorting the electron beam deflection current drive waveforms.
Notwithstanding the above complexities, the clean lines and low forward obscuration
make this optical configuration the configuration of choice for high-capability, highperformance
and wide-field-of-view applications. It is now introduced on to production
prestige fast jet fighters such as Eurofighter Typhoon, Rafale, F-15 and Gripen.

The Eurofighter HUD is shown in Figure 11.19 and Plate 4. It employs advanced
computer-generated holographic optics to provide a 30º x 25º total field of view (TFoV).
The instantaneous field of view is identical to the total field. It provides stroke (cursive),
raster and hybrid modes of operation with outstanding display luminance of 2700 ft.L
(9200 cd/m2) in stroke (daytime) mode and 1000 ft.L (3500 cd/m2) in raster (night-time)
mode, this latter being viewable in daytime under cloud and haze. The outside-world
transmission is 80%.
The HUD also provides a comprehensive up-front control panel with a large-area day-light viewable
LED matrix display and programmable keys. The HUD is a high-integrity design
and is used as the primary flight display in Eurofighter.

Sobre el visor de casco HEA HMSS Striker:
The application of a binocular, day and night capability has taken longer to mature on fast jets. The Eurofighter Typhoon will probably be the first. However, the next generation of fast jet fighters, typified by the JSF, is likely to replace the HUD with an HMD, and to have the HMD as the primary flight instrument.

11.4.3 Optical Head Tracker

A number of schemes [soluciones] have been used. ....
A more recent scheme, and that being used on the Eurofighter Typhoon, uses twintracking
CCD cameras to sense clusters of LEDs on the surface of the helmet.
... Eurofighter Typhoon HMD

The Helmet-Mounted Display in development for Eurofighter Typhoon is shown in
Figure 11.37. Features are:

1. Provision of primary aircrew protection.
2. Attachment to inner helmet.
3. Provision of a lightweight but stiff platform for the optical components:
 - CRTs/optics/mirror;
 - Night-vision cameras;
 - Blast/display and glare visors;
 - Head tracker diodes (infrared).
4. Removable night-vision cameras, autodetach during ejection.
5. Mechanical function:
 - Protection features in line with survivability limits;
 - Life support up to the limits of human functionality;
 - Comfort and stability to support display requirements.
6. Display features:
 - 40º x 30º binocular field of view;
 - Corresponding 40º x 30º binocular night-vision camera;
 - Display of sunlight visible symbology and/or imagery.

The optics arrangement (dual binocular) uses a 1 in high-brightness, high-resolution,
monochrome (P53 green) CRT as the image source. A complex relay lens with a brow
mirror introduces the relayed image into the focal plane of two spherical diffractive mirrors
which are deposited on the visor by holographic techniques. The field of view is 40º and the
exit pupil is 15–20 mm. The optical arrangement introduces significant geometric distortion,
which is corrected electronically.

The Helmet is a two-part arrangement (see Figure 11.38).


The inner helmet fits inside the display outer helmet and can be swapped with a respirator
hood version to give NBC protection:

1. It facilitates individual user fitting.
2. It maximises comfort and stability:
 - The brow pad is moulded to exact fit;
 - Air circulation around the head is assisted.
3. It embraces a wide anthropomorphic range:
 - Advanced suspension system;
 - Lightweight oxygen mask.
4. It provides optimum hose/cable routing.

The display outer helmet attaches to the inner helmet. It provides:

1. Primary aircrew protection.
2. A lightweight but stiff platform for the optical components:
 - CRTs/optics/mirror;
 - NVE cameras;
 - Windblast/display visor (clear) and glare visors.
3. Head tracker diodes.
4. Removable night-vision cameras.

11.4.9 Binocular Day/Night HMD Architectures

The Eurofighter Typhoon and next-generation HMDs are seeking to integrate NVGs with the
HMD image generation function. There are two means to achieve this, optically and
electronically (Jukes, 2004 – Chapter 8).

Sobre requisitos de visión y enfoque de los datos presentados por el Typhoon al piloto:
11.7.3 European (Eurofighter Typhoon) Definitions and Requirements

The requirements identified in the Eurofighter Typhoon document describe the legibility and
readability requirements for electronic and electro-optical display contrast and luminance in
a comprehensive but complex manner using the concept of perceived just noticeable
differences (PJNDs). The concept is based on the premise that the ability of the crew to
detect information presented on a cockpit display will depend on the visual difference
between the foreground image and its background.


The PJND values for a particular display device can be computed from three sets of
 - The display measured performance characteristics;
 - The ‘worst-case’ ambient lighting conditions applicable to that display;
 - A set of perception equations that represent a ‘standard pilot’s eye’.
For further description, see Jukes (2004 – Chapter 12).

Although technically elegant, and a viable analysis of product performance during product
formal qualification testing, it is impractical to perform this level of testing on a 100% basis
on series-production articles.

Todo proviene de: http://www.helitavia.com/books/Mil%20Av ... ystems.pdf
El documento sólo comete un error respecto al Typhoon: decir que el programa EFA era para un caza de superioridad aérea, como el ATF que dió el F-22. La realidad es que el EFA era para un caza con misión principal AA y con buena capacidad AS, incluyendo una amplia panoplia y variedad de misiones AS (eso se dijo en 1983), es decir, swingrole.

Un saludo
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Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor Orel el Lun May 07, 2012 11:48 pm

A continuación pongo las citas que puse en su día de la RAA: el especial del EFA de la RAA de Mayo de 1987 http://www.bibliotecavirtualdefensa.es/ ... path=76337
(menos de un año después de la firma del MoU clave para iniciar el desarrollo del EFA, en el 86). En ellas se expone cómo en 1983, tras lanzar el programa FEFA, en octubre de 1983 los países requieren en el documento OEST un caza polivalente.
Aún hay foristas o articulistas que lo desconocen o lo niegan, incluso alguno se inventa que el añadirle capacidad AS vino por la disolución de la URSS y el cambio de prioridades militares (como véis, en 1983 se requería multirol, confirmado en 1987, mientras que el muro de Berlín cayó a finales del '89 y la disolución oficial fue a finales del '91). Aunque la faceta AS fuera luego retrasada por cuestiones económicas (precisamente recortes tras la disolución de la URSS, Maastricht y crisis mundial de 2008) y decisiones lentas.




"Diseñado para AA con buena capacidad AS". Y eso se dijo ya en 1983, cuando su desarrollo aún no estaba firmado, y se ratificó en años siguientes.
"Apto para AA y AS". "Podrá llevar toda la panoplia AS del mercado". "Cambio de configuración AA a AS en X tiempo"....
Pues eso, ni caso a los que digan que surgió ni que era un programa para un caza aire-aire :wink:

Y un documento inglés sobre el origen del programa EFA que resultó en el Typhoon: http://www.icas.org/ICAS_ARCHIVE_CD1998 ... ERS/04.PDF
Resalto los dos fragmentos del texto que están a continuación, que van separados, y que demuestran una vez más que el Eurofighter nació para ser multirol porque así fue requerido.
Aunque aquí citan los requisitos de 1987, que fueron los más importantes, como puse antes ya en 1983 se requería eso mismo: capacidad AA principal, pero con una capacidad AS importante, lo que hoy día llamarían swingrole. "Air interdiction" y "offensive air support" son misiones aire-superficie, junto con, por supuesto, "maritime attack" y "reconnaissance". El término "comprehensive air-surface capabilities" significa "capacidad AS amplia, integral, completa":
Firma de los cuatro socios definitivos en 1987 del ESR-D, European Staff Requirement for the Development of the EFA, define los roles operacionales que el caza debe realizar:


Es más, también puesto en este foro:
Former BAE Typhoon project pilot Craig Penrice
Nor will Typhoon just be a great air combat fighter. Through all of its customers placed their primary emphasis on getting the aircraft into service in the air-to-air role, the aircraft was designed from the start to be a swing-role fighter '' a multi-role aeroplane capable of switching from air-to-ground to air-to-air operation (and back again) during the course of a single sortie. The aircraft has always been a versatile, deployable, multi-role aircraft, and not the narrow, Cold War interceptor and air defence aircraft that it has sometimes been painted as.

“Focus Aircraft '' Eurofighter Typhoon”by Jon Lake, pags 44-75, International Air Power Review Volume 20, AIRtime Publishing 2006

Y de la revista Eurofighter World 2012-2 http://www.eurofighter.com/fileadmin/we ... 202012.pdf:
Typhoon was designed from the beginning as a swing-role aircraft.
the Typhoon joint operational requirement of the UK, Germany, Italy and Spain Air Forces was not for a dedicated air superiority platform but for a multirole fighter, as the UK and Spain also needed to replace some strike assets in their inventory.

Extractos del documento puesto por champi (octubre 2015): https://www.nao.org.uk/wp-content/uploa ... sheets.pdf
The Requirement: Typhoon, formerly known as Eurofighter, is an agile multirole combat aircraft. Originally designed primarily, but not exclusively, for air superiority, the aircraft is also capable of delivering a precision ground attack capability.

También el Ministerio de Defensa español a través de la DGAM lo dice bien claro: http://www.defensa.gob.es/ministerio/or ... edef/dgam/
Aviones de superioridad aérea y alta capacidad de ataque al suelo
Los Requisitos Básicos de Diseño son:
- Avión monoplaza de superioridad aérea
- Optimizado para el combate aéreo (BVR y WVR)
- Misión secundaria ataque al suelo, con mínimo tiempo para cambio de configuración
Optimizado para misiones de superioridad aérea, BVR y WVR, y cuenta también con capacidad de ataque aire/superficie.

http://www.defensa.gob.es/Galerias/dgam ... EF2000.pdf

eurofighter typhoon tifón efa multirol mutirole swingrol swingrole polivalente versátil AA AS suelo superficie superioridad aérea y de ataque al diseño diseñado pensado su nacimiento fue desde el inicio inicios comienzo comienzos principio
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Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor Orel el Mié May 09, 2012 1:20 pm

Typhoon inglés a muy baja altura, en preparación para los JJ.OO.:

http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?imag ... 09301k.jpg

Y aquí con hangares desplegables:

http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?imag ... 64x532.jpg
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Registrado: Sab Sep 24, 2005 11:33 am
Ubicación: España, en el bocho

Re: EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon

Notapor PelotonRueda el Mié May 09, 2012 6:26 pm


Orel escribió:Typhoon inglés a muy baja altura, en preparación para los JJ.OO.:

Orel :wink: , ¿ que se supone que tiene que hacer este Typhoon a esta altura ?...Como no sea para vacilar, lo unico que se puede llevar es una buena pedrada y quedarse tieso como el supuesto Apache en Irak :b9 .

¡ No quiero soldados, quiero guerrilleros !
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